“The Phone of the Wind” Oculus Rift begins shooting

Thomas and Barry, who worked for Discovery Channel in the United States, became independent to create the work they intended, and established a company called “Yes Please Thank You” (YPTY) .

It is said that it will supply images to the head-mounted display for VR (Virtual Reality) developed and announced by Oculus, USA. It was released to the general public in 2016 in the United States. It is said that 1 million units are a field that has grown rapidly to 5 million units in 2017.

Unlike the reports of incidents and disasters, “The Phone of the Wind” lost an important person, and it was doubtful whether “The Phone of the Wind” used for mental care would play its original role in VR. There is the power of “field”, and I think that you can feel “healed” by standing in the place, feeling the surrounding air, wind, smell and sound, and the total power. I was afraid whether the part that was the trigger to get out of the grief as a result of them could be expressed in 360 degree VR by drone.

However, there are many people all over the world who are suffering and suffering. Most of the people will not be able to come to the “The Phone of the Wind” in reality, and I hope that those people will heal their sorrows even in VR, change their consciousness from the grief, and help them “live”. It was to be.

It will be completed around November and will be released on the VR-only Internet “Oculus Rift”. looking forward to it.