Renewed the box of “The Phone of the Wind”

On August 18, 12 junior and senior high school students from the disaster volunteer group “Pinocchio Club” in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, came to Bell Gardia KUJIRAYAMA with Mr. Matsumura. In addition, adult volunteers who support children, the president and vice president of manufacturers. A total of 23 supporters gathered to launch a new box of “The Phone of the Wind”.

We have already announced the history on our blog, but when the newspaper reported the danger of the collapse of the box of “The Phone of the Wind” on March 28, about 25 information about the telephone box was gathered from Hokkaido to Kyushu. .. Much was information on wooden boxes. This time, I decided to decline because I wanted to make it made of aluminum in consideration of durability. There was information that it was an “aluminum box”, but it was a normal type found on street corners. Unfortunately, I had no choice but to decline the box of “The Phone of the Wind” because the current shape is well established by everyone.

With the support of everyone, I decided to make the same type as the current type from aluminum, and when I got an estimate, I found that it exceeded 1 million yen, and when I called for support on my blog, fundraising began to gather from all over the country. At that time, President Kayahara of Akisei Sangyo Co., Ltd. in Chiba Prefecture offered to provide it free of charge, but it is appropriate that “The Phone of the Wind” is made with the good intentions of many people. However, I don’t know how much money will be collected, so I have been working on the condition that I will support the shortfall.

Then, on the 18th, the new telephone booth was launched. The points of work were carried out by adult supporters Watanabe Komuten’s carpenter Watanabe and President Kayahara, and box transportation, paint repair, etc. were handled by junior and senior high school students of the Pinocchio Club. Recently, for children who have less chance to learn from their life experiences, it is a good opportunity to develop their ability to live, and I feel that it is a volunteer activity to practice the living education of Mr. Matsumura.

After the launch, a BBQ party. The children who had eaten only convenience store lunch boxes yesterday repeatedly said “good!” And “good!” And continued to eat until they were hungry. In the meantime, there was a chorus by all the children and a shakuhachi performance by my cousin, and all the participants were able to share a good time.

The above is the status of the launch of the new telephone box. By the time we started up, we were able to update it thanks to the support, cooperation, fundraising, etc. of many people. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. I pray that we will continue to be with you as a “place” for the liberation and healing of the hearts of people with grief around the world.

The blog report was sent today because the color of the roof and the color of the fascia are dark green, and the contrast with the white box skeleton color is too strong and I felt uncomfortable, so I repainted it. Also, it was late because I had the children weed the greenhouse and then cleaned it up. I would like all the people who have read the blog to come face-to-face with the new “The Phone of the Wind”.