The 3rd day of repair

For “The Phone of the Wind” repairs, all that was left was painting before the acrylic board was fitted and replacing the cracked slate on the roof.

Today, the third day of repair, I am painting the newly made door and the phone booth body.

There isn’t much wind, and I think I can manage to do it alone. First, apply sandpaper to the entire surface to remove the peeled part of the paint and smooth the front surface. However, this is a difficult task, and it is an important task that affects the finished product. The paint was applied twice to eliminate unevenness. Therefore, I think that the result will be able to answer your baldness.

Please laugh when you come next time.

In this case, we received many inquiries from people all over the country who wanted to raise funds for repairs, but thanks to the volunteers, it seems that the cost of materials will be small, so please do not worry. In addition, at Bergardia Kujirayama, we ask for the cooperation of activity support funds.

Bank: Japan Post Bank
Store No. 838
Account: 1938776 (Ordinary deposit)
Name: Itaru Sasaki, Bell Gardia KUJIRAYAMA